Thursday, January 29, 2015

throw back thursday

Going through some pictures and thought i'd share a few from right after Rose was born.  Most of the time was spent sitting on the couch feeding and cuddling. Sometimes worrying about her weight gain and sleeping in separate rooms at night.  Watched a lot of Netflix!  Jeremy had a few weeks off and they just flew by!  Unfortunately, his grandma passed away and he ended up flying home for a few days.  I was pretty nervous about being home alone all day and night with her.  Of course when he leaves we have a really bad storm and i was paranoid about tornadoes.  My parents were coming to visit anyway and decided to come up a day early so i wouldn't have to be by myself for too long. 

Just a few days old, soaking up some sun!

One week old and out for our first family walk
she looks so little!

hahaha Ziva!
proud big sis

My parents came to visit a few weeks after Rose was born.  
Ziva photo bombing. 

p.s.  Everything look so green and lush and warm in these everything is dead and cold.  I can't wait for Spring and Summer!


Rose loves to look in the mirror.  
I'll just prop her up in front of the sink and she will smile at herself or at me making faces at her.
We'll talk about stuff, sing songs (current favorite is Jungle Book, Bear Necessities - or maybe its my current favorite :)), or I'll name off all the stuff in the bathroom.  Sometimes when i first sit her down she'll flash the biggest smile and make noises and a little giggle!
We are always trying to determine if she will have brown or green eyes. 
They sure do look brown here!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

a few pictures from Christmas

We couldn't find a piece that goes with our tripod so we couldn't take pictures of all us together :(

ha! Ziva! :)

She was staring at the fan the whole time

My favorite Christmas present! 

Christmas Eve

Went for a stroll around the park on Christmas Day

We had a pretty laid back Christmas.  A few presents, breakfast casserole as usual, and just enjoying the day with each other.  I can't wait till Rose is old enough to really enjoy everything that comes with the Christmas season!  Not just presents, but all the other things making/setting up decorations, parades, Christmas lights and songs, and school or church plays.  


Working on our tummy time.
After I took this picture I thought I'd try to pull the pacifier, but she spit up and face planted into it.  
She doesn't really like to be on her tummy for very long.  
She used to only really do it propped up on a boppy pillow, but the past couple weeks she's been flat and will last 5-10 minutes at a time!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Rose had her 4 month check up today.  
Weighing 10lbs 4oz.  
Had a couple shots and she's been sleeping them off.
Trying to work on unswaddling during the day to ease into unswaddling at night. 
Girl likes to be swaddled. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I decided i'm going to try and do this 52 PROJECT thing this year.  One picture a week for 52 weeks - one year.  It's mostly to document Rose's growth and personality through out the year.  A lot of times i'll whip out my phone and snap a bunch of pictures but maybe this will get me to use my big camera more and get a little creative.  Here is this weeks picture!

16 weeks old and recovering from the flu this week.  

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 New Year's Resolutions

When I was in high school me and a few friends always did a New Year's Eve party.  We would go through old magazines and make a collage for the next year of our New Years resolutions and just random thoughts and clippings. Then we would write a short letter to ourselves and keep it in a box (we had a big box that would keep our mementos, pictures, tickets, anything really that we did together and pass it around...kinda like the sisterhood of the traveling pants, but with "the box").  We would work on that for hours...before and after midnight.  Once it was time to do the count down to midnight we would go outside hoop and holler, roll down the hill, tear up the old calendar, and bang on pots and pans.  Like I said we were in high school ;).  It was always a ton of fun though.  We haven't done anything since and so every year i get all nostalgic and a little bit sad thinking about how much fun we had.  Maybe one day we will be together again for NYE and can celebrate.

Like a lot of people, I sometimes will make a list or think of some New Year resolutions, but rarely ever keep them or even think of them much past a week.  Last week i was thinking about a few things I'd like to do in 2015.  Most of them aren't anything too crazy or hard to keep.  Everyday things and simple chores.  I thought maybe I'd share them with you and maybe you can help me keep them :).

1.  I would really like to find time to blog more.  Even if its just a quick post with a few words.  I think now with a baby it would be fun to look back and see what our life was like and what was going on.  (kinda off topic, but i need to pick up a baby book for Rose so i can put pictures, letters, and milestones in and not just rely on the computer to keep my memories)

2.  Like everyone else's new years resolution i want to work out more.  I sit on the couch a lot nursing Rose and so i need to get up and move more.  I started doing some squats while holding her around the house.  Since it's winter (and will be for months) there might not be very many chances to get out and walk around the neighborhood.  I'd like to pick up going to dance classes again, but with Jeremy working later some days I may not get to go as much.  Maybe if it's just a little something everyday.

3.  I'd like to declutter the house some.  Rearrange or something.  It feels a little crowded.  I'm getting kinda frustrated with our space, but i don't know how long we will be living in this house so i need to make do with what we've got.

4.  I would like to go through my closet and get rid of a bunch of clothes that i don't wear or don't fit.  I would rather get clothes that might be higher quality and have less in my closet, than keep buying cheaper clothes over and over.  This is something i will have to work on and build up.  I have this weird attachment to some clothes and hold on to them for some reason.

5.  Since having a baby i find that it's harder to get things done around the house.  A pretty simple and basic thing here, but lately I've been trying to go to clean the kitchen before going to bed.  Dishes put up in the dishwasher and counter wiped down.  It makes it nice to walk into in the mornings with a clean kitchen.  Growing up i had to make my bed everyday.  As i got older i almost had to have my bed made or else my room just felt really messy.  I've really been slacking on that for the past couple years really.  It doesn't take long to do and it just makes the room feel more put together.  Now if i could only pick up on doing laundry more and at least cooking a few times a week.  I know these are pretty everyday things, but just doing these few things i think would help me feel like i got something accomplished for the day and maybe help with the clutter feeling around the house.  (It's started to sound like my house is a pigsty.  It's not but it's also not super clean either)

6.  The next two are ones I'm going to have to work hard at and may or may not even happen.  For the past few years (as I'm sure you know and see on here) I've been making flower arrangements.  It was something that i just started to do and i liked working with pretty flowers and i would look up arrangements online all the time and do research on different florists.  After awhile I did an internship and a local florist trying to learn the trade. I mostly swept floors and processed flowers for weddings.  I learned a few tricks, but rarely ever got to make anything.  I would say i taught myself mostly how to do arrangements.  What i would really love is to someday have my own floral business.  It might be hard with a young baby, but if i could start small and just do things here and there this year that would be cool.  I would first need to get a floral license so i could buy wholesale. I think i need a business license to do that.  It might just be wishful thinking/dreaming, but you never know!

7.  Last but not least!  I really want to cut back on being on my IPhone all the time.  It's almost become an addiction and a habit to check Facebook and Instagram and other blogs or things on my phone.  It's not necessary.  I don't need to check Facebook every 10 minutes.  I don't re ally care that much of whats on on there.  It usually takes me an hour to feed Rose and a lot of times I'm on my phone most of the time.  That's like 6-7 hours a day just sitting being on my phone.  It's sad really.  I could be reading a book.  I'm not going to give anything up, because i still enjoy getting on and checking social media, but i just want to cut it back some.  Not feel like i need my phone.  I want to be more present and i don't want Rose to grow up seeing me on my phone all the time.  We didn't grow up playing on IPhones and Ipads and computers and i know today's society is different and electronics plays a big part in lots of things, but i want her to grow up being a kid like we did growing up. I love having a smart phone and being able to looking something up on the Internet anywhere.  I use my camera daily and i like posting pictures.  But I've noticed for a long while now that when i go out there are so many people constantly on their phones.  Even when their with other people.  I'm guilty of doing it myself though.  So i think this will be a hard thing to do.  I feel like it's an important one though and i really hope that i can cut back and not feel like i have to need my phone with me.

I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Years. 
 I'm looking forward to what 2015 will bring for my little family!  
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