Monday, May 12, 2014

Thank you!

Thank you for all your love on our latest news!   The past 4 months or so have kinda been long. Winter seemed to never end and our nerves were on edge. We took this pregnancy day by day and with each new week it got a tiny bit easier.  We didn't even tell our families until 12-13 weeks.  Every doctors appointment I would be so nervous. My doctor was kind enough to spoil me with a few extra ultrasounds in the first few months. For my peace of mind and I think hers too.  At around 17 weeks I started to feel little kicks and it was a daily reassurance that this baby was still there.  Now almost every night I lay in bed feeling for those little kicks and pokes and other weird movements and when there's a lot I'll grab Jeremy's hand and we both just laugh at it all.
Once we found out it was a girl (and I thought it was going to be a boy) it was kinda strange but really real saying "her" and "she" instead of "it" or "the baby".   Now that we are half way done and know that's she's a she, I feel like I can start really getting excited about it all. Start shopping and decorating and making things and settling on a name.  I feel like it's been really dragging, but I'm sure it will go by fast and be here before we know it.  I'm not even the least bit worried or scared about the labor and delivery. I mean....that might change (I'm certain it will) once I get closer to the day, but for now it seems so far off.  
I'm hoping to make a trip home at some point during the summer and next month we are hoping to take a trip somewhere. We were originally thinking Colorado (before we found out I was pregnant) but lately we aren't sure that will be the best idea. We would want to do lots of hiking and see a lot and I'm not sure I'll be up for all that all day everyday.  
Besides being pregnant there hasn't been too much going on. Like I said before the winter was really long and cold. My parents were here the other week and we had a great time as usual! It was warm before they got here, cold and overcast everyday they were here, and then went back to being warm and sunny the day they left.  Too bad! We still managed to go to the botanical gardens though ;).  I have done a couple flower arrangements that I need to share.  Honestly, one reason I haven't been posting is because I would have to go down in the basement on the computer to post.  We used to have our laptop upstairs on the kitchen table but neither of us liked it there and then it kinda crashed. It still works but probably shouldn't be too reliable.  I don't really like being in the basement by myself. It's not scary really. Ok, yes it is.  Maybe not right now, but if we get infested with spider crickets again then I'm in trouble. They scare me way too much than they should. Actually I think I saw one down the yesterday. Maybe it was already dead but it wasn't there before.  Jeremy likes to make fun of me about these spider crickets. They probably aren't really all that bad (as in infested... But I'm the one that always seemed to come across them) and they are harmless.  Either way they are freaky.  Ok, enough talk on those monsters.  
I was thinking about going to hobby lobby today, but I think I have allergies. My throat is sore, eyes burning, nose stuffed, and head and neck feel like I got ran over.  Yuck.  Hoping it goes away soon! Anyway, I'm so thankful for all the love and congratulations from facebook and everywhere else.  Hopefully I'll keep this blog a little bit more updated now that the bomb has been dropped and the news is out. I know a couple friends and family have said they've been checking in lately and I'm sorry I've been MIA, but thanks for always checking in!  
I'll leave you with this picture from the other day of me and Ziva! My first baby girl!  I'm sure she will get an eye opener once the baby comes, but i think she will love her some baby toes. She loves to lick toes! 

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